Cancer Symptoms You Should Not Avoid


You might think what could have been better than an easy weight loss, but bud you must go for a checkup to avoid taking the risk. Cancers of the esophagus, throat, and stomach can present with difficulty swallowing or feelings of fullness, often causing significant unintended weight loss. Colon cancer is also a frequent contributor to unintentional weight loss, thanks to the changes it can cause in your digestive habits.


Between work, social commitments, running errands, and trips to the gym, your average daily activities are enough to make anyone feel wiped out. However, if you feel like you can’t get out of bed, or find yourself needing a significant amount of extra rest, it might be the sign of something more serious.


Anemia is so very common that it would be difficult to detect whether its going to be more serious or not. But cancer’s involving blood (leukemia) and bone marrow or colon cancer can be a cause. Get yourself medically checked regularly.


Waking up sweaty when your A/C breaks is normal. Waking up drenched every single night is not. Although many conditions, from hypothyroidism to menopause, can make it difficult to maintain your body’s normal temperature, cancer may also be the cause of this unpleasant symptom.


That puffy face might be more than the result of last night’s salty snack binge. When tumors restrict blood flow, particularly to the superior vena cava, many people experience pronounced facial swelling. This is most commonly caused by cancers of the thyroid, lung, and breast, although cancers like lymphoma and renal cancer have been known to cause facial swelling, as well.


If you find yourself unable to make it to the bathroom, make it a point to see your doctor ASAP. Although age and pregnancy can play a role in the development of incontinence, it may also be a sign of certain cancers. Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and certain reproductive tumors can all cause incontinence. Unfortunately, many cancer treatments can make it worse before it gets better.


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