Passenger Train Shut Down for First Time till March 31, 2020

The Government has decided to turn off all passenger train services across India till March 31 to stop the spread of Covid-19.

The decision taken on Sunday includes the cancellation of suburban trains, like local services in Mumbai and elsewhere, and the Metro service in Kolkata.

However, the movement of goods trains will continue to ensure the supply chain of essential products is not disrupted.

Tweeting in Hindi, the PM had said:”Due to the scare of Corona, a lot of my brothers are trying to leave the cities where they work and go to their villages. Travelling in crowded spaces increases the risk of its spread. It will increase danger for the people where you are going and the difficulties for your village and families will also increase. I urge you to stay wherever you are for a few days. With this we can all stop this disease from spreading. We are playing with our health by crowding the stations and bus terminals. Please think about yourself and your families. Don’t venture out of your homes if not absolutely necessary.”

Railways carries around 2.3 crore people every day in its 12,000-odd trains. So far at least 14 COVID-19-positive people have travelled in trains in various sectors in India. Cases of potentially exposed people detected in trains are emerging almost every day from various parts of India.

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