Here is how you can apply for an e-pass for your state using the movement pass website given below:
How to apply for state-wise movement pass
Step 1: Visit the official website of the respective state, UT or city
Step 2: Select the ‘apply e-pass’ tab
Step 4: Fill the e-pass form with all the required details
Step 5: Upload the supporting documents, if any, and submit your application
Step 6: Once your pass is approved, you will receive the message from the authority
Step 7: Take a print-out of the e-pass and carry it with you while going out
- Andhra Pradesh : https://gramawardsachivalayam.ap.gov.in/CVPASSAPP/CV/CVOrganizationRegistration
- Assam:
- Bihar: https://serviceonline.bihar.gov.in/login.do?
- Chandigarh: http://admser.chd.nic.in/dpc/Default.aspx
- Chhattisgarh: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.allsoft.corona
- Delhi: https://epass.jantasamvad.org/epass/relief/english/
- Goa: https://goaonline.gov.in/Public/UserRegistration_af
- Gujarat: https://www.digitalgujarat.gov.in/Citizen/CitizenService.aspx
- Haryana: https://covidssharyana.in
- Himachal Pradesh: http://covidepass.hp.gov.in/apply-for-e-pass/
- Jammu and Kashmir: https://jammu.nic.in/covid19/
- Jharkhand: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pragyaam.grid.mobile&hl=en_IN
- Karnataka: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mygate.express&hl=en
- Kerala: https://pass.bsafe.kerala.gov.in
- Kolkata: https://coronapass.kolkatapolice.org
- Madhya Pradesh: https://mapit.gov.in/covid-19/
- Maharashtra: https://covid19.mhpolice.in
- Manipur: https://tengbang.in/StrandedForm.aspx
- Meghalaya: https://megedistrict.gov.in/login.do?
- Odisha: http://epass.ocac.in
- Pondicherry: https://covid19.py.gov.in
- Punjab: https://epasscovid19.pais.net.in
- Rajasthan: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.datainfosys.rajasthanpolice.publicapp
- Uttar Pradesh:
- Uttarakhand: https://policecitizenportal.uk.gov.in/e_pass/Home/Index
- Tamil Nadu: https://serviceonline.gov.in/tamilnadu/login.do?
- Telangana: https://covid19.telangana.gov.in
Information required to apply for curfew passes
- Applicants District
- Town
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Govenment ID
- Vehicle registration number (RC book)
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