Importance of #JantaCurfew and the Truth Behind It

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech said “I am requesting your support for a ‘Janata curfew’. The curfew will be in place from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, March 22.”

“Resolve” and “Self-Contro” is important to fight back this deadly virus Covid-19.

Several social media users posted and claims that, since the virus has 12 hours life span, and the #jantacurfew is for 14 hours, this will help break the chain of virus spreading.


A corona positive individual can pass the infection for about 14 days, is what study suggests.

The virus can also be detected for 2-3 days on plastics and stainless steel surfaces. It seems that this virus can spread from the clusters of virus in air. The virus can remain in such clusters and hard surfaces like plastic, metals, etc for days.

Hence, a 14 hour self-imposed curfew cannot break the cycle of infection as it is being claimed on social media. Despite the fact that the curfew will not break the cycle of infection as the Coronavirus still persists 2-3 days later on surfaces, the …

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